Thursday, 30 April 2015

Craignure (Isle of Mull)

The main road north out of Kilmartin was quiet all the way to Oban. It was made easier by a series of roadworks which accumulated the traffic into small convoys. As usual, we were an amusement to the road workers who waved us between the cones on the closed lane to let vehicles pass.

Today was over 1400m of ascent with 4 climbs but we seemed to make very good time, probably the necessity to catch the ferry from Oban to Mull helped.
The sun shone and a north wind prevented us from overheating.
Daffodils are finishing now and small pockets of primroses are becoming a familiar sight in hedgerow and burn side. Celandine and wood anemone are also appearing but the dusting of snow on the hills and cold airstream are a sign that summer is a way to go yet.

As we climbed, views of the Paps of Jura and then Ben More on Mull started to appear along with a lot of other big mountains ahead of us!

We rewarded our slick journey to Oban with a sea food platter for 2 at the harbour fish cafe. Warned by others that a gull had nicked a whole lobster from the plate of a previous costumer, we cowered and devoured our feast like a couple of vultures.

After the short ferry ride to Craignure and a shop for some food at the pier side Spar, we settled into what must be the best bunkhouse on the west coast. It has spectacular views, is warm and has great facilities. It was quite a novelty to cook for ourselves!

Distance:-  48.6 km
Cycle Time:- 3 hours 30 minutes
Average speed:- 13.8 kph
Total Distance:- 2117 km

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